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Frits Pil PhD, MA

  • University of Pittsburgh Distinguished Service Professor
  • Professor of Organizations and Entrepreneurship; Research Scientist

Frits Pil is a Distinguished Service Professor, Professor of Organizations and Entrepreneurship, and Research Scientist at the University of Pittsburgh, and honorary Research Fellow at the Judge Business School (University of Cambridge, UK). Prof. Pil’s experience in academic leadership includes roles directing Faculty Development and Teaching Innovation, Area Director (Chair), and inaugural University of Pittsburgh Provost Fellow for Faculty.  University experience includes designing and deploying training for academic leaders, faculty, and staff, ED&I efforts, and teaching and mentorship innovations. Prof. Pil has played key roles in the University of Pittsburgh Middle States accreditation process, University-level promotion and tenure process design and decision making, and university research development efforts. He has received over 20 awards for his theoretically grounded, experientially driven, teaching of core leadership skills.  On the research and consulting front, he has worked with corporations around the world as well as with various public sector organizations to identify where knowledge originates, where it resides, and how it is transferred and leveraged for organizational success.  His work on innovation and organizational improvement efforts provides critical insights on how knowledge diversity, social architecture, and organizational design empower idea generation and organizational change.  His book, The Second Century, (MIT Press), won the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s best book prize and is available in four languages.  His research findings have been published in a range of managerially oriented outlets such as the Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, and Harvard Business Review, as well as foundational academic journals including the Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. His research has been funded by the MIT International Motor Vehicle Program, The Sloan Foundation, and the National Science Foundation.

Organizations and Entrepreneurship