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Sustainability Camp 2023

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Sustainability Camp 2023
Join us for a day of presentations and discussions on fresh sustainable business research insights that galvanize businesses to thrive for all stakeholders. These conversations will allow participants to delve deeper into what being a sustainable business really means.
Event Description

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text "We can be the generation to make business & capitalism better. We need to get better at having conversations and not being afraid to disagree. Think about your purpose and how you want to make your mark." next to cut out of R. Edward Freeman, a man in a blazer with white hair and beard

R. Edward Freeman
University Professor, Olsson Professor, and Academic Director of the Institute for Business in Society at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Getting Here

All events will be held at the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business at Mervis Hall, 3950 Roberto Clemente Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 - Room 118.
Parking is available at Posvar Hall, across the street. CSB will be handing out parking passes at the entrace to the garage the morning of the event.
The reception will be held at the Carnegie Museum of Art. Consider lowering your emissions by walking to the reception; your campus parking will remain accessible until the end of the event.

9:30 - 10:45: The Current State of Sustainable Finance

Caroline Flammer, Columbia University, “Biodiversity Finance”

Aaron Yoon, Northwestern University, “Analyzing Active Fund Managers’ Commitment to ESG: Evidence from the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment”

11:00 - 12:15: Mechanisms for Scaling Sustainability

Laura Edinger-Schons & Manuel Reppmann, University of Hamburg, Activating the Sustainable Consumer: The Role of Customer Involvement in Corporate Sustainability”

Arijit Chatterjee, Essec Business School, "Mitigating Grand Challenges: Exploring the role of inter-organizational relations across scales" based on the paper "Double Weaving: A Bottom-Up Process of Connecting Locations and Scales to Mitigate Grand Challenges" (Appendices)

12:15 - 1:45: Stakeholder Capitalism and the Challenges of Sustainability

R. Edward Freeman, University of Virginia, Elis and Signe Olsson Professor of Business Administration

1:45 - 3:00: Exploring the Horizon: Unveiling Gaps and Future Inquiry in Sustainable Business Research

Collaborate in small groups to generate the next cutting-edge research questions for various sustainable business topics.

3:15 - 4:30: Corporate Interventions for Sustainability

Diogo Hildebrand, City University of New York, “Addressing Discrimination in the Organization”

Shreyans Goenka, Virginia Tech, “Consumer Reaction to Sustainable Surcharges”

Mervis Hall, 3950 Roberto Clemente Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 - Room 118
Event End Date